Tv and Movies up to date

In the 21st century, all you see are vivid moving images of some thrilling action on your big screens. That is, however, after so many trials and errors in the production of movies. There is a history of everything, and you can be sure there is one to movies as well. In 1891, a company called Edison came up with a device where you could view moving pictures, but one person at a time. Four years later, the Lumiere brothers came up with the very first projected moving images for paying. That is what we currently refer to as a cinema. Movies were joined by teachers, music, and plenty of groups of spectators’ investment. They didn't have synchronized discourse. Films were short, here and there just a couple of minutes or less. They appeared at the carnival, and music corridors or anyplace a screen could be set up, and a room obscured. By 1906, color was integrated into movies and then followed by sound. The iMax screens that you are very addicted to nowadays started back in 19...